Leaves, Roots, Flowers, and Fruits
I got a new stack of books for Z from the library last week. One of them is Leaves, Leaves, Leaves. As usual, I read him the book, and he was attentive and quiet. Reminds me of the days when he didn’t have that much of an attention span. And as usual, he didn’t say […]
Zulhijjah and Eid Al Adha
Pre-Activity: I’m rushing, trying to find something for Zulhijjah, and Hajj in terms of discussion, activities for the kids, all of them. I started with Z because I know Umm Nu’man has stuff on Hajj mashaAllah. I printed the Hajj theme pack, Hajj Story Board/Game, Hajj Game, and Hajj Addition and Subtraction Activity. While I […]
Impromptu Mock Hajj
I don’t have class (Al Huda Taleem Quran) today and tomorrow, so it’s a little light alhamdulillah, though I’m still weighed by the grammar lessons I have to make up, and the Lesson In Charge review recordings I have to listen to. But, in light of a relatively light day compared to my usual weeks, […]
A Cardboard Ceiling Fan
In a conversation I had last weekend with a sister, I brought up H’s cardboard endeavor jokingly, offering her a homemade cardboard furniture. Of course, she took it as a joke too. I started talking about cardboard engineering but she still had this incredulous look on her face, and I couldn’t help but realize that […]