Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

“It turns out that even believing you are smart—one of the fixed mindset messages—is damaging, as students with this fixed mindset are less willing to try more challenging work or subjects because they are afraid of slipping up and no longer being seen as smart.”

Genre: Education, Math, Teaching
Subjects: Homeschooling, Learning Disability, Math, math anxiety, Pedagogy

Learning Disabilities: What Are They?

First of all, learning disabilities don’t mean that someone is stupid or has mental retardation. Hopefully, I made myself clear on this point, but rest assured: This point is important, and I state it over and over in the book. Perhaps, it will sink in. Second, there are many types of learning disabilities. There is dyslexia, dysnomia, dyscalculia, and a host of others, which I discuss in great length. You need to know what kind of learning disability you child has before you can help him or her.

Genre: Education, Parenting, Teaching
Subjects: Learning Disability, Neuroscience